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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Year!!

Dear Friends and girls ;) ,

With the New Year, comes a New chapter to our lives. Remember the face of the girl you love, a smile on your face. Now hope that she would walk in and say : “Good Morning darling, it’s time to wake up.”

This is what makes me wake up every morning :). There is nothing without desire to do something, to live, to move forward, and to prove yourself. So stand up, and when you get up everything is possible in this world.

Have you ever heard of someone who tried very hard and failed?? No! If someone said this then they haven’t tried enough. And when you put in that exxtra mile towards your dreams. No one can take them away from you. NEVER GIVE UP! Life is longggg...adventurous....full of surprises...and ofcourse my favorite: full of beautiful girlsss!! So, if your feeling down, think of something beautiful, something worth fighting for, and enjoy the blissful moments of your life.

May you find your true partner, and that will bring you the happiness you’ve never experienced before. It’ll heighten all your experiences in daily life, and you’ll never fight harder than this. Because this is worth having! at any cost.

Hope your new year is full of love :)


Picture from:

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Situation #1 At a social gathering

Hey Studs!

I want to share with you a common situation. A lot of times small misunderstandings in body language can make a big difference, and the difference is simple: Who are you leaving with. So let me tell you the rules for nailing a gal!!

First be confident in YOURSELF.
This is why god has given us the power to delude ourselves. So DO IT. Believe that YOU are the only one with balls in that room.
Pick your target and be sure about it. The easiest one is to pick the girl that is eying YOU.

Next give her a STARE. Eyes say everything. So let her know what you are feeling. Do NOT be vulgar with your eyes because girls hate that! Be gentle..more like “hey, i wanna get to know you.”

If she smiles back at you then beta you are in!!! So just walk by her giving her a slight touch, make this as subtle as possible. NOTICE her reaction. If you looks at you, you are good. If she ignores you then i wouldn’t bother. Or you need to work a little harder.

Make sure she knows that your attention is all on her. Girls love ATTENTION! Once you get a Green signal then go and make conversation and your night will be bliss.

IF the above steps don’t work out. It’s time to change the girl :D

HAVE FUN!! Let me know your experiences and advice

Yours Truly,